Hashing 的一個 criteria 是希望儘可能不要發生 collision (也就是 Worst Case 也在 $\mathcal{O}(1)$ lookup),今天假設我們已知元素的個數,該如何設計一個 hash function 使得不會有任何 collition 發生?
Naive method - $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ space method
(w/ $\mathcal{O}(1)$time)
Let the number of slots be $N^2$, then
任意從 2-Universal Hash Family $\mathcal{H}$ 中抽一個 $h$ 出來
$$ \Pr_{h \in \mathcal{H}}[\,\text{collision happened}\,] = \binom{N}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{N^2} \leq \frac{1}{2} $$
抽取次數的期望值為 $2$ (成功率的倒數)
$\mathcal{O}(N)$ space method
(w/ $\mathcal{O}(N)$ time)
從 $\mathcal{H}$ 中抽出 $h$ 將 $N$ 個 element hash 到 $N$ 個 slot 當中 (Note: 這裡會發生 collision) \
Denote $m_i$ be the number of elements with hash value $= i$ -
Redo Step1. until $\sum m_i^2 \leq 4 N$
For each slot $i$ with number of elements $m_i$\
Pick a hash function from 2-Universal Hash family $\mathcal{H}_i: , \text{slot} , i \rightarrow \lbrace 0, 1, \cdots, m_i^2 - 1\rbrace$\
Repeat until no collision happened\
Note: Need to do for every slots (from $0 \sim N-1$)
所以最後每個元素 $x$的鍵值會是一個 pair ($h(x),h_{h(x)} \normalsize(x)$) ,所需總 slot 數 $\leq 4 N$
Running Time
先來看 Step3.,跟上面 Naive method 的方法一樣,每個 slot 抽取 no collision hash function 的次數期望值 $\leq 2$
再來看 Step1. , Number of total collision is
$$ \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{(m_i)(m_i - 1)}{2} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^N m_i^2 - \frac{N}{2} $$
$$ \mathbb{E}[\,\text{# of collisions}\,] \leq \binom{N}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{N} = \frac{N-1}{2} $$
$$ \mathbb{E}[\, \sum_{i=1}^N m_i^2 \,] \leq 2 N $$
根據 Markov Ineq.
$$ \Pr[\, \sum_{i=1}^N m_i^2 \, > 4 N] \leq \frac{1}{2} $$
$\Rightarrow$ 抽取次數的期望值 $\leq 2$
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